Skin Lesion Removal
You may wish to have a lesion removed because you are worried about it, because it catches on clothes, or because you feel it is unsightly. Usually removing these is straightforward and can be done under a local anaesthetic. We will check what the lesion was for your peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions
1What does surgery involve?
Under a local anaesthetic using numbing injections the lesion(s) of concern will be removed. The wound will be stitched and dressed. The numbness will last several hours.
2How long will I be in hospital?
Depending on how long your surgery takes you will need to be in hospital for 2-3 hours.
3How can I prepare for surgery?
Follow advice about your medication, in particular any blood thinning medication. Avoid smoking prior to your operation.
4What are the risks of surgery?
The risks of surgery will be discussed with you in your consultation. There is a small chance of infection and if you notice anything of concern you should contact the hospital or secretary for advice.
5When will I get my results?
Results from pathology take several days. Once these are available Miss Jackson will contact you.
- Surgical time – 15-45 minutes
- Anaesthetic type – local anaesthetic
- Time off work – none required
- Hospital stay – 2 hours
- Shower – immediately
- Reasonably mobile – immediately
- Sleeping position – head up if facial lesions
- Exercise including gym – resume after 1 week
- Full recovery – 2 weeks
- Driving – next day