Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Anti-wrinkle injections, also known as ‘Botox’ injections, are used to smooth out the creases caused by overuse of the facial muscles. This procedure is done in the out-patient clinic and needs to be repeated every 3-6 months. They can also be used to treat migraines and excessive sweating. Anti-wrinkle injections can have a transformative effect giving a rejuvenated appearance without the need for scars.
Frequently Asked Questions
1What do the injections involve?
Before you have any injections you will have discussed your requirements. Miss Jackson will examine you to determine the best location for the injections.
The injections are done with the smallest available needle. Local anaesthetic is not used as it also requires an injection which can cause bleeding.
2What side effects might I notice?
You may notice some bruising at the site of the injection. You should avoid rubbing the area but could apply a cool pack to the bruise. Some people report a headache which will pass – you can take simple painkillers like paracetamol.
After a couple of days you will notice weakness in the muscles which have been injected. The full effect will be seen after 2 weeks. If you notice any asymmetry please inform us as you may benefit from a top up or adjustment.
3What should I do after having injections?
Avoid make up on the area. Do not rub the skin where the injections have been done as this can cause the toxin to spread to an area we do not want it. Avoid hot compresses.
- Surgical time – 5-10 minutes
- Anaesthetic type – none required
- Time off work – 0 days
- Exercise including gym – 2 days